A Guide to Social Hosting
Whether you are planning to host a function in the privacy of your home, on your property or elsewhere, you are responsible for the premises and guests. SLGA's Planning a Party? A Guide to Social Hosting brochure suggests some hosting tips to ensure your function is a success.
The responsible hosting guide explains the responsibilities of a host and outlines things to consider when planning your function. It also discusses some common alcohol myths that could disrupt your event.
To learn more, read our Guide to Social Hosting.
Teens and Alcohol: What You Need to Know
SLGA's Teens and Alcohol brochure is intended to educate parents and caregivers of teens about the implications surrounding alcohol, teens and house parties by presenting information about the legal, social and potential health consequences of teens who consume alcohol with or without adult supervision in the home.
To learn more, read our Teens and Alcohol Brochure.
Please Bring Your I.D.
The Please Bring Your I.D. program was developed with the co-operation and support of Saskatchewan Hotel and Hospitality Association and Restaurants Canada to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors in the province's liquor stores, and hospitality industry.
To learn more view our Using Fake ID Today? poster.
Check 25
Check 25 is an in-store identification program that assists SLGA liquor stores and participating commercial permittees in preventing minors from purchasing alcohol. The program requires anyone who appears to be under the age of 25 years to show either a photo identification with a birth date, or three other pieces of identification, at least one of which must have a birth date. While staff working in stores have always asked for identification from customers who appear to be under the legal drinking age of 19, this program improves efforts to prevent minors from accessing alcohol, by increasing the number of people who are asked for identification.
See an example of Check 25 signage.
Serve It Right Saskatchewan
SLGA, in partnership with Saskatchewan Government Insurance, the Ministry of Health and Tourism Saskatchewan, continues to support the Serve It Right Saskatchewan (SIRS) server intervention program.
The mandatory program, coordinated by the Workforce Development department of Tourism Saskatchewan, provides training for commercial permittees to help ensure that alcohol-related activities are conducted in a socially responsible manner.
New owners of permitted establishments must complete SIRS training prior to obtaining their permit from SLGA and the renewal of a liquor permit may be delayed by SLGA pending completion of the training by the owner. As well, all employees involved in the sale and/or service of beverage alcohol must have obtained their SIRS certification and new employees must have their SIRS training prior to beginning their first shift. This applies to all staff working in liquor permitted establishments including restaurants, bars and retail liquor stores.
For more information visit Serve It Right Saskatchewan.
Report Impaired Drivers (RID)
SLGA has partnered with Saskatchewan Government Insurance, municipal and provincial polices services, Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Students Against Drunk Driving to implement a province-wide Report Impaired Drivers (RID) program.
RID is a crime prevention campaign that encourages the public to call 911 to report suspected impaired drivers. The campaign is promoted on city bus advertisements, road signs, billboards and posters in stores, and commercial liquor establishments.
See an example of Report Impaired Drivers signage.
SLGA encourages the moderate consumption of beverage alcohol and takes opportunities to remind people that it is socially unacceptable to abuse alcohol. One of the ways SLGA does this is to support the CCSA's Guidance on Alcohol and Health, which help Canadians moderate their alcohol consumption and are intended to reduce immediate and long-term alcohol related harms.
SLGA also promotes standard drink sizes through posters displayed in Saskatchewan liquor retailers and participating partners. Size Matters Poster.
Don't Be That Guy
SLGA has partnered with local police forces, sexual assault service providers and Crime Stoppers to launch the Don't Be That Guy campaigns in cities across Saskatchewan.
The poster campaigns spread the message that intoxication is not a form of consent for sexual activity. The posters, which are aimed primarily at 19 to 25 year old males, rely on a bold design to make men think about the boundaries between consensual sex and sexual assault.
The posters are displayed in liquor stores, bars, nightclubs and campuses in Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Regina.
To see an example, download a Don't Be That Guy poster.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Video Presentations
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), in partnership with SLGA and Saskatchewan Government Insurance, has been reaching out to students across Saskatchewan through the national School Assembly Program. Each year a new video presentation is produced that encourages viewers to think about the consequences and risks of impaired driving. The 2016 show, 24 Hours, challenges students to examine their beliefs and choices around mixing alcohol with driving, and helps them understand the tragedy that can occur when people make the wrong choice.
For more information visit Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is caused by alcohol use during pregnancy and can lead to lifelong learning, behavioural and cognitive difficulties in affected children. Through the government’s Cognitive Disabilities Strategy, SLGA supports FASD awareness and education through its partnerships with the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute (SPI) and FASD Network of Saskatchewan.
Every year, the SPI and FASD Support Network undertake initiatives including the Saskatchewan FASD Speakers’ Bureau, regional FASD committees, training, post-secondary student education, and the publication of various resources for the public and professionals.
Please visit The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute and FASD Network of Saskatchewan to learn more about FASD programs and resources in Saskatchewan.