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SLGA is governed by, and responsible for, one provincial statute and several regulations as noted below.

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A-18.011 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997

A-18.011 Reg 3 - The Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation Casino Regulations, 2002

A-18.011 Reg 4 - The Liquor and Gaming Authority Employee Code of Conduct Regulations

A-18.011 Reg 5 - The Gaming Regulations, 2007

A-18.011 Reg 7 - The Alcohol Control Regulations, 2016

C-2.111 The Cannabis Control (Saskatchewan) Act

C-2.111 Reg 1 - The Cannabis Control (Saskatchewan) Regulations

H-7 The Horse Racing Regulation Act

H-6.1 Reg 1 - The Horse Racing Commission Employee Designation Regulations (Repealed)