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Wine, Cider and High Alcohol Beer Resealing

Customers at liquor-permitted establishments can request to have partially consumed bottles of wine, larger bottles of cider and larger bottles of high alcohol beer resealed to take home.  This helps encourage responsible consumption because customers won’t feel compelled to finish the bottle before leaving the liquor-permitted establishment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is reselling mandatory?

Yes, if a customer asks that their bottle of wine, cider (at least 500 ml in size) or high-alcohol beer be resealed, the permitted establishment must accommodate that request.  The only exception is at banquets where wine or cider is provided at no direct charge to the consumer.  In that case, the establishment may choose whether to provide resealing services, and whether to charge for that service.

What kinds of beer does this apply to?

Any beer originally packaged in a bottle at least 500 ml in size, with a minimum alcohol content of 8.0 per cent.

What kinds of cider does this apply to?

Any cider originally packaged in a bottle at least 500 ml in size.

Is wine, cider and high alcohol beer resealing available at all Saskatchewan bars and restaurants?

All liquor-permitted establishments that sell wine by the bottle, cider in larger bottles and high alcohol beer in larger bottles (restaurants, taverns, special use permitted establishments and manufacturer hospitality suites) are required to offer the resealing service.

Is there a similar service for spirits, coolers, or other types of beer or cider?

No.  Resealing only applies to wine, cider in larger bottles and high alcohol beer in larger bottles.

Is there a charge for the service?

Generally speaking, establishments cannot charge for providing this service; however, at banquets where wine or cider (at least 500 ml in size) is provided at no direct charge to the consumer, the establishment may choose whether to provide resealing services.  If they choose to do so, they may also choose whether to charge an additional service fee for the service.  In these cases, the customer is the event organizer, not the individual who may have been consuming the wine or cider.

Can customers bring wine to a restaurant and have it resealed?

Yes, restaurants must also reseal on request bottles of wine brought by customers under the Bring Your Own Wine program.

How does resealing promote responsible drinking?

Resealing is a socially responsible initiative that gives the customers the option of buying wine, cider in larger bottles, or high alcohol beer by the bottle without feeling compelled to finish the whole bottle at one sitting.

Is it legal to transport resealed wine or high alcohol beer in a vehicle?

Existing laws apply to transporting the resealed bottle. Resealed wine, cider and high alcohol beer must not be easily accessible by passengers or the driver when being transported in a vehicle.