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Non-Sale Permit

A Non-sale Special Occasion Permit is required for any private functions where alcohol is served but not sold, and the event is not held in a private residence or other private place. Typically, Non-sale permits are used for staff parties, weddings, reunions, and various family functions.

In this section:

  1. Eligibility
  2. How To Apply
  3. Minors
  4. Additional Information


Non-sale Special Occasion Permits are available to individuals, businesses, and organizations.  Events must be open to invited guests only, may not be publicly advertised, and there can be no direct or indirect charge for alcohol.

How To Apply

The best way to get your Special Occasion Permit is to apply online. All alcohol served at your event must be purchased from a Saskatchewan liquor retailer or a Saskatchewan craft alcohol manufacturer. Homemade beer and wine, including product made at licensed U-brew/U-vin facilities, can be served at no charge at family events. All receipts for purchased alcohol must be onsite at the event in order to make the permit valid.

Organizers should apply a minimum of 10 days in advance of the event.


Non-sale permits are typically endorsed so that minors may attend as non-drinking patrons or staff, either with or without their parent, legal guardian, or spouse that is of legal age. In exceptional circumstances, SLGA may determine that minors should be prohibited from attending a non-sale special occasion event. 

Minors may not attend a liquor permitted event in any capacity if the event offers adult entertainment involving minimal clothing, pole dancing, burlesque, or similar performances.

Minors cannot purchase or consume alcohol, nor act in any way in the sale or service of beverage alcohol, including selling drink tickets, serving beverage alcohol, or collecting used drink containers. 

Additional Information

 A supply of food must be available to patrons  during the permitted event. . Light meals (e.g., appetizers, cheese/vegetable trays) and/or pre-packaged snacks (e.g., potato chips, peanuts) would be considered sufficient for event guests. Ideally, this food would be available throughout the event, but the event host may also choose to provide food at a specific time. 

Non-alcoholic beverages must be available at all times during the permitted event.  

Non-sale permits are valid for a maximum of 12 hours.